
Saturday, December 13, 2008

Guessing Game: Strange Looking Fruit

What is the name of this fruit?

Is it Buah Nona ??
From my little research here
I found that....

There are so many types of Buah Nona or Annona. This one for example is called Sugar Apple with the scientific name Annona Squamosa

This one is Custard Apple or Annona Reticulata.

Anyway... the question that I posed earlier has not been answered....

Do you have the answer?


Updated - 16 dec 2008

Yess.. it's Nona Filipina... hehe...

From Annona's family, dunno its scientific name...


Neeza Shahril said...

This is buah Nona.. In English.. apa butter entah.. kat sini banyak jual.. kat malaysia, orang buang buang aje kan.. ;)

misz_A said...

the above comment was made before i edited n updated the entry with last 2 photos of buah nona

l i e y n said...

sedap buah nona ni....

Neeza Shahril said...

bukan nona ke?? ish ish.. tak tau laa.. kalau sekali pandang macam banana.. tapi memang bukan laaa hahaha!!

noniey said...

act ada 2 nama lah tuk buah nona ni. yang kaler hijau tu memang betul buah nona. tapi yang kaler kuning tu bukan buah nona. alah, lupa lah plak nama apa. nak tanya ayah skrang ni pun, ayah dah tido. nanti eh saya bagi jawapan..lupa lah

Intan Noorazlina said...

aritu nmpak kak jah bawk buah ni...
dia kata tu nona filipina... kalau tak salah la... i love bauh nona so much... sedap tau, tapi nape ada org buang?

Unknown said...

In Arabic it is called: ACHTA

Unknown said...

In Arabic it is called: ACHTA
Great taste I love it...

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