
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

An Overdue Post

Welcome and best of luck!

I just cannot decide which one... you be the judge which picture is better....

New students with the Management of KPTM Kuantan

I wonder how many will survive the first semester... (ouchhh!!! That is sooo rude! opss sorry, I am just being honest)

p/s: This place is called The Quad! IT IS NOT Anjung Muhibah! grrrr...


hidayah said...

err... i'm not in mgmt anymore :)

Neeza Shahril said...

who's the guy besides Kak Zu? tak clear lah picture. nak enlarge pun tak boleh.. :(

eedany said...

Salam Maal Hijrah 1430H dan Selamat Tahun Baru 2009

Azam 2008 yg lalu dah tercapai? Kalau belum teruskan di tahun 2009. Jangan putus asa ok.

Goodbye 2008...
Welcome 2009...


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