I'm going back to my hometown today.. yey!!

I'm tailgating that black Kenari..

I just love the sky, very open... full of promises..

I drove for 5 hours n 30mins non-stop just to be in the arms of my beloved family... hehehe...
Paper 1: Listening (800/1)
No Item Description
1 Weighting 15%
2 Duration 30 minutes
3 Number of texts 5
4 Basic criteria for text selection Length, level of complexity (content and language),tex ttype
5 Possible genres Lecture, briefing, talk,discussion, interview, telephone conversation, announcement, instructions, advertisement, news, meeting, documentary
6 Number of questions 20
7 Possible question types (i) Information transfer
(ii) Short-answer questions
(iii) 3-option multiple-choice questions
(iv) 4-option multiple-choice questions
8 Skills tested As in the test specifications