
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Meat Cut: Sirloin? Tenderloin? Rib Eye?

Lieyn asked for this entry... so here you go Lieyn... this one is for you...

I am sure all of us came across these words before; sirloin, tenderloin, rib eye etc.... so.. let's educate ourselves on which part of the animal that what are about to order...

the first photo of meat cut that I found.... quite confusing right.... ok..ok... let's scroll down..

haaaa.... there you go... I am sure this one is better... so now we know exactly where tenderloin part is...

click the photo to enlarge...

Hope this would help you Lieyn.... :)

Next entry we'll talk about Grilled Rib Eye Steak.... emmm...yummmeehh...

1 comment:

k.a. said...

bahagian kepala tak ada orang nak beri nama apa2 ke? how 'bout HeadWind? HeadBrain (read: kepala otak, not "kepala hotak" as when we yell at someone,angrily)

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