Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Law of Attraction
1. Know exactly what you want.
2. Ask the universe for it.
3. Feel, behave and know as if the object of your desire is on its way.
4. Be open to receive it and let go of (the attachment to) the outcome.
Thinking of what one does not have, they say, manifests itself in not having, while if one abides by these principles, and avoids "negative" thoughts, the universe will manifest a person's desires.
My question is...
How does Islam view this?
Letter of Congratulations
Below you will find information that will help you write a wonderful and memorable letter of congratulations.
Guidelines for writing congratulations:
- Say your best wishes early in the message and again when you close. Make sure you mention the occasion that is being celebrated. Do not add other news or information in the message, with the exception of birthday cards. Express how happy you are for the person and how you learned about the delightful news.
- Avoid going overboard on flattery.
- Be positive and pleasant. If you have an objection about an event, do not include that in your message, or do not write a letter at all.
Monday, March 30, 2009
How Do You Measure Your Success?
Further vs Farther
– T.F. Chan
Both “further” and “farther” are the comparative forms of the adjective and adverb “far”. As adjectives, they mean “more distant”. As adverbs, they mean “at or to a greater distance”. They can be used interchangeably in sentences like:
“Her house is further/farther from the school than mine is.” (as adjectives)
“He was so exhausted, he couldn’t run any further/farther.” (as adverbs)
However, “further” has more meanings than “farther”. The adjective “further” can mean “additional”. For example, we can say: “Since we have come to an agreement, there shall be no further discussion on the matter.”
The adverb “further” can mean “to a greater degree or extent”, e.g. in “We must think further about this matter before we make a decision.”
It can also mean “in addition to what has just been said” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary), e.g. “We’ve chosen to buy this house because of its size, appearance and price. Further, it is in a very pleasant location.”
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
What Is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour will next take place on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm, local time.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Electrical Engineering Day

I spent half of my day today attending this event... one of the judges for this program... I received this..

love the purple color wrapper...
let's see what's inside the box...

tadaaa... nice... very practical... thanx to those involved for EE Day.. especially Pn. Norbaini for the invitation.. and also for the lunch...
more photos:
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Before and After
Letter of Apology
I would like to apologize for missing your class last Wednesday, March 25, . I also apologize for not calling in advance to inform. I promise I will not repeat the same mistake.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Mike L. Jackson
Mike L. Jackson
Please Forgive Me....
A student : Errmmm... Hi Misz Sensei... can you please help me write a letter of apology?
Misz Sensei: .huhhh?? erkk.. I can't help you write it per say... but I can give you some pointers...
A student: Ooouuhhh... thank you...thank you.. when can I see you?
Misz Sensei: Well... you don't have to.. just visit my blog..
A student: Owhhh
So... to that student... here's for you..
Do you have an apology to make? Have you been late in saying thank you to a gift or invitation? Have you been involved in some kind of misunderstanding that you want to clear up? Has your child misbehaved? Have you damaged someone else's property? Have you been unable to keep an appointment or promise? Have you been rude or insensitive?
Here are some tips on how to write your apology with dignity and sincerity.
Guidelines for writing apologies:
- Write as soon as possible after the incident. Apologize, but do not go overboard by saying, "I am very, very, very sorry." Keep it simple and to the point. Summarize what you are apologizing for, and apologize only for the particular situation or problem. Be brief. Apologize cheerfully and sincerely. Do not express feelings of guilt.
- Explain what you will do to correct the mistake or situation. Assure the person that this will not happen again.
- Do not put blame on another person and do not blame problems on computer errors or carelessness.
- Thank the person for bringing the problem to your attention if you were unaware of the situation.
- Reread the letter to check your grammar, spelling and tone.
Recommendation Letter
To Dr. Frank N. Stein,
I am applying to KPTM University's Graduate School of English-Engineering. I would appreciate it if you could write a letter of recommendation for me. Enclosed is a form that outlines what the recommendation should include, my resume, and a self-addressed stamped envelope in which to send your recommendation.
I appreciate you taking the time to do this for me. If for some reason you are unable to complete the recommendation for me, please let me know via email ( or phone.
Thank you,
Ms. Lovely Lamb
Ms. Lovely Lamb
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Al-Fatihah: Sir Mahisham Mahmood

Samples of Formal Letters

Looking for samples, examples of formal letters? Here is the website that would really help you:
Giant Books?
Monday, March 23, 2009
The first thought that popped into my mind was: "Thank God it's Monday!"
I was startled by my own thought. While the whole world is grumbling and groaning about Monday, unwilling to let go of lovely, lazy Sunday, here I was, chirping about the first working day of the week.
And why not? If it is Monday, it means the shops will be open, the government offices will function, the courier service will bring that much-awaited parcel. And life will move on full-speed. Isn't that cause for jubilation?
Contemporary man is completely sold to the idea of the weekend and, therefore, horrified by the idea of working seven days a week. People drag themselves through workdays so they can relax in the evenings. They endure the week so they can have the weekend.
They work through the year so that they can go on leave at the end of the year. If we stretch the logic a little further, they put up with life so that they can relax in death.
Instead of justifying the need for a holiday, let us look at the quality of our working life.
Perhaps some Osho insights can help change the way we work.
The basic question is, do you enjoy your work?
Do you work wishing you could do something else? Is your work a necessary evil -- to earn a living or to fulfil ambition?
1. What and how What you do is not important, it is how you do it. Whatever you do, do it with deep alertness; then even small things become sacred. You can clean the floor like a robot; you have to clean it, so you clean it.
But it could have been a great experience; you missed it.
You cleaned the floor and that would have cleansed you. Clean the floor full of awareness; be luminous with awareness.
2. Remember yourself
One thing has to be a continuous thread: remember yourself.
While walking, say, "I am walking." While sitting, say, "I am sitting."
And feel the shift in your awareness. There will be a sudden spark.
3. Are you a perfectionist? Beware! What counts is being total, not perfect. This brings out the best in you. The very idea of perfectionism drives people crazy.
The perfectionist is bound to be neurotic. S/he cannot enjoy life till s/he is perfect. And perfection never happens, it is not in the nature of things.
Life is imperfect. Only death is perfect. Totality is possible, perfection is not possible.
There is a huge difference between perfection and totality. Perfection is a goal for the future, totality is an experience now. If you can get into any act with your whole heart, you are total. Totality brings wholeness, health and sanity.
The perfectionist forgets about totality. There is a big gap between how s/he is and how s/he wants to be.
And, of course, change can't happen now, it is always tomorrow or the day after. So life is postponed.
These are small tools, but they will help you see the gap between workdays and holidays decreasing. You will eagerly wait for work to begin.
And then you'll also say: "Thank God it's Monday!"
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Happy Sunday!
How's your Sunday so far? Mine? Just look at the photo below!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
College Life

Well in the (unlikely) event that you have no clue about what this is, let me give you the ‘skinny’. College Life In One Day is the brainchild of Taylor’s University College. It’s an innovative tool created to ease, inspire and educate high school students on the wonders and mysteries of college life. I know what you’re thinking. “This sounds like I have to make a trip all the way there to have some counselor-dude talking to me about how wonderful life is in Taylor’s!” Well you’re dead wrong my friend. CLIOD was created for students, by students. What you get is the most ‘REAL’ depiction of what college life is all about.
If you have been following this column, you would already be aware of what CLIOD aims to bring to the masses of Form 5 & Form 6 students out there. In case you’ve been out of the loop, the message is that college life does not only involve studies. ‘All work and no play’, has never been emphasized as a good thing. To bring this message across, Taylor’s gathered various students from their different departments to be filmed throughout the day. I am not just talking about just during college hours and in between lectures, I am talking about from the moment they wake up to the time they ‘hit the sack’! From their journey to college, to their ‘mamak’ stall sessions there is true insight on what these guys and girls are up to.
Another thing that makes this program unique is that, you don’t have to go any further than the comfort of your very own room.
Eg, how to make a nutritious breakfast in five minutes, or how to eat and not smear your lipstick.
Bonus points given for having one or all of the following:-A Creative title in no more than 5 words.
AND/OR- Video has a meaningful story.
Category 1 (individual)
Grand Prize - Scholarship of RM 10,000 from Taylor's.(1 scholarship only)
to any of the following "3+0" or "4+0" programmes in Taylor's :- Architecture;- Business;- Communication;- Computing or - Hospitality & Tourism
1st Prize - Nokia Phone
Category 2 (group - Maximum of 4 participants)
Grand Prize - Scholarship of up to RM40,000 from Taylor's.(up to max of 4 X RM10,000 scholarship)
to any of the following "3+0" or "4+0" programmes in Taylor's :- Architecture;- Business;- Communication;- Computing or - Hospitality & Tourism
1st Prize - Nokia Phone
Video criteria:
1. Length - Max of 5 mins video
2. Size - to fit YouTube site
3. Video must be original
4. Creative title (max of 5 words)
How to Submit Video:
1. Upload your video to YouTube (
2. Get the URL for your video page in YouTube.
3. Choose your category (individual or group) to login with your MyStar account.
4. Fill in the contest form and submit online.
Terms & Conditions
1. The competition is open to Malaysian students aged 16 - 18.
2. Each student is eligible for 1 scholarship worth RM10,000 only.
3. Judging criteria is based on most creative video depicting a special talent.
4. Judges decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained.
5. For winning entry submitted by a team, each team member will receive scholarship worth a value of RM10,000, up to a total of 4 students, not exceeding the maximum value of RM40,000.
6. The winner/winners is/are given an option to utilize their scholarship from the following "3+0" or "4+0"programmes in Taylor's : Architecture, Business, Communication, Computing or
7. The winner/winners is/are allowed to choose the programmes offered but limited to a maximum of 2 students in each programme.
8. The scholarship is valid for 2 years (2009 and 2010 intakes)
9. Upon commissioning of the scholarship, the value will be distributed equally against the years of study (valid within a period of 3 years)
10. Students are only eligible for one scholarship during their duration of studies at Taylor's. In the event there is more than one scholarship being offered from Taylor's, the winner/winners can only receive one scholarship which is of higher value. No compounding of scholarships are allowed.
11. The scholarship is only valid for studies at Taylor's campuses.
12. The scholarship is applicable for studies at Taylor's University College/Taylor's College in Malaysia only and is not applicable for period of study at overseas partner universities.
13. The scholarship is not transferable nor exchangeable for cash.
14. Students are required to pay all fees due (after deduction) upon registration, failing which the scholarship will be considered null & void.
15. Applicability of scholarship is subject to the winner/winners meeting the minimum entry requirement of the respective programmes.
16. The contest period starts on 24.12.2008 and ends on 30.4.2009.
The Star's Mind Our English Campaign

Editor: Kee Thuan Chye
Thursday, March 19, 2009
All About Herbs

The parts of the Ketumbar plant that are used as herbs, consist of the leaves and the fruit (commonly referred to as the seeds)
Lemon grass is native to India. It is widely used as a herb in Asian cuisine. It has a citrus flavour and can be dried and powdered, or used fresh.
Lemon grass is commonly used in teas, soups, and curries. It is also suitable for poultry, fish, and seafood. It is often used as a tea in African and Latino-American countries (e.g., Togo, Mexico)
Research also shows that lemon grass oil has antifungal properties

The kaffir lime is a rough, bumpy green fruit that grows on very thorny bush with aromatic and distinctively shaped "double" leaves. It is well suited to container growing. The green lime fruit is distinguished by its bumpy exterior and its small size (approx. 4 cm wide).
Good Morning World!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
How To Improve My English Language
Read anything English - books, magazines, brochures, catalogs, signboards and everything. If you’ve been accustomed to reading the newspaper in your mother tongue, choose the one in English from now on. Stick to it.
Set yourself a periodical target to achieve. For example, reading 2 books per month. Then, increase the load to 3 or 4 books. Mix the book genres according to your interest. Start slow and you will improve progressively.
Learning a language, especially a language which is foreign to you, is a gradual process. It takes time. Don’t be discouraged with the amount of new vocabs and grammar you learn every day.
2. Write
Write your first sentence in your sketch book, diary, journal, blog and so on. If you’re so scared that someone will see your writing and laugh at it, keep it a secret. Put under your mattress or something. If you blog, assume no one is reading it. Or keep it password-protected. As the time goes by, take your time to review back what you have written for the past 6 months. While the beginning of your ‘writing career’ may sound embarrassing, you will be surprised to see how well you actually can write and how much you have improved.
3. Speak, and don’t be afraid of mistakes
The easiest way to avoid mistake is to stop doing things and this is where people go wrong. They assume that those who make less mistake are the better learners, an assumption which is only true inside the classroom. In real world, people who make mistakes learn faster as the experience taught them invaluable lesson. So, start your English conversation with your parents, siblings, neighbours, classmates and peers. Don’t be intimidated when other people surrounding laugh at your attempt and your mistakes. See the difference after 1 month.
4. Watch English movies without subtitles
Watching English movies or programs without the subtitles sharpen your listening and auditory skills. Begin with those films or documentaries you have not watched before. Listen to what is being said and interpret the meaning of it, either implicitly or explicitly. Later, when you write, try recalling some of the phrases used in the movie and now you have combined your listening skill with your writing skill into one.
5. Join courses
When circumstances are right, pick and join an English course, which is easily available nearby your neighborhood, in schools or even online, where you can learn from the comfort of your own place. There are many levels of courses available and making the right choice seems to be a daunting task. But fret not. You can always discuss with the program provider to make an initial assessment on which level of English competency you have. You can also test yourself to discover what kind of English learner you are here, before proceeding with any English courses.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Women Shoes
So, let's educate ourselves with different types of shoes out there in the market..
Pump Shoes

A stiletto heel (AmE: spike heel) is a long, thin heel found on some boots and shoes, usually for women. It is named after the stiletto dagger, the phrase being first recorded in the early 1930s.[1] Stiletto heels may vary in length from 2.5 centimetres (1 inch) to 20 cm (8 inches)or more if a platform sole is used, and are sometimes defined as having a diameter at the ground of less than 1 cm (slightly less than half an inch). Stiletto-style heels shorter than 5 cm are called kitten heels. Not all high slim heels merit the description stiletto.
As you've probably guessed, it has a wedge shape, but not all wedges are high heels. In fact, wedge heels range from low to high, it's the shape and the length of the heel that classify it as a wedge.
Advantages of Wedge Heels:
These shoes add height, but are easier to walk in than stilettos.
Wedges have a very cosmopolitan look to them - they're worldly and sophisticated.
A wedge heel looks great with nearly any length skirt or dress.
Wedge heels, by nature, are a fashionable choice - by just choosing to wear them, you up your fashion quotient.
Wedges will add definition and shape to heavy ankles, making them appear thinner.
Cons of Wedges:
Wedge heels are still heels, with all their pitfalls. Don't be fooled into thinking you can run a marathon in them.
Wedges can look a little clunky, especially when paired with very tight-fitting clothing.
This style tends to seem a bit on the casual side. While there are dressier styles of wedges, finding a truly elegant one can be a bit difficult.
A thick wedge heel will make really skinny ankles appear even thinner.

Traditionally Mary Janes are a variety of shoe worn mainly by young girls. In modern times they are worn by women of all ages. Mary Janes are typically considered formal for girls and informal when worn by women.

The term is generally believed to have been derived from the ancient Roman calceus mulleus, a red shoe worn by senators and other high officials, although there is little indication of any structural resemblance.