
Monday, November 17, 2008

MCC Days: Those Were The Days....

I'm in the mood of reminiscing my days as a student at Mara Community College Kuantan (MCC), now known as Kolej Poly-Tech MARA Kuantan (KPTM).

With Shida (a.k.a Ewoks) and Azita

Geology Field Trip 1: Teluk Chempedak

Geology Field Trip 2 : Panching Waterfalls

Survey of 19th n 20th Century American Literature class (I think!), taught by an exchange American Professor from Tri-State University(her name? errkk..sorry.. can't remember..)


Anonymous said...

alaa sweett nyerr,
bestkn bl dpt tgk gmbr2 lama..

misz_A said...

yess... sangat beshh n a bit sad kot... hehe

Unknown said...

am also trying to recall the lecturer's name. dia bukan dr indiana state ke? hehe... memory loss... and there was also a student, sama cute mcm the lecturer jugak, kan?

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