
Monday, April 27, 2009

MUET: Another Speaking Tips

This is from

My MUET speaking tips is made with my students in mind. Most of them found English intimidating even though I've tried my best to bring cheer and excitement in my lessons.


i. Greetings
Make it short and simple greetings e.g. Good morning, Good morning
everyone. (no extra marks for your lengthy and elaborate greetings)

ii. Introduction
Use the sentence, phrases or words from the question to make your

Academic ability alone is not enough for new graduates to succeed in the
workplace. What else do they need to succeed at work?

Task A: New graduates need good communication skills. Explain why this
is important.

" Academic ability alone is not enough for new graduates to succeed in the
workplace. In my opinion they need to have good communication skills
if they want to succeed."

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