I hosted another 'it-was-not-an-open-house' get together on 18 Oct 2008. This part 2 of it-was-not-an-open-house' was almost an all day long feast especially for my mentees (advisee). We started cooking at 3pm and the feast lasted until 9pm!!
They were just too comfortable lazing around at my place watching tv and goofing around... (girlss...no heart feelings ok... all of u are always welcome to my place)

From left; Hanna,Najwa,Dilla,Fatimah, Misz_A,Lia,Mai,Atikah
Sitting; Atiqah,Uni,Sharifah,Ina,Fini and Tia.
Let see... what's cooking....

Instant Nasi Himpit for Kuah Kacang

Boiling the spaghetti...

Spaghetti sauce; minced beef+button mushroom+celery

Making the mashed potato

The finished product;chicken fritters+mashed potato+mushroom sauce
(gravy for the mashed potato)

Faces of satisfied guests... hehe... Mai, Ina, Atiqah, Fini and Najwa
Misz_A and Lia
Yeahhh yeahhh... thumbs up for the *scrumptious food

*scrumptious = delicious
p/s: NO....!! I didn't do the cooking... I forced the students to cook...coz I was busy taking photos...ngeeeeee....