This is why my mom n I were there at this Pasar Siti Khadijah yesterday... coz someone in Kuantan asked me to buy this 'Serunding' or here we called it as 'Sambal Daging'.
p/s: Nope... I'm not taking anymore orders!! hehe... but if you really craving for this..I mean REALLY craving for this.. ok lahh..just give me a call... deadline: 5 sept 08 - 8am
oh btw (by the way) ... the answer for the previous entry is...
chicken intestine!! hehe... it is called.. Satay Perut Percik or is it Satay Percik Perut???
what about me?? I am reallllllyyyy carving for the Sambal Dagingggg... I want! I want! my baby wantssss.. huhuuuuu.... ;)
sodap ok serunding!
suke meratah!
lama x pg KB....
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