
Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I feel so relieved!!! I thought I have to create a new blog...I forgot my password for this blog!!! Thanx god I managed to recover the password!!!

Soo.... let me start again....

Hey ALL.... (re: to all my ENG 263 students and not forgetting students from Ms. Hasni's class)'s your BLOGA? I already received few emails about your blog... congrats! I know some of you been through lots of problems to get your blog published...but I'm sure you'll feel happy and excited once you get it published!

I really hope that this BLOGA will give all of you an interesting and fun way to improve your English.

I would really appreciate if you have any ideas to make this BLOGA even more fun and interesting.

Please give your comment here what do you think about this BLOGA.

ok... see you in my next entry...


WinSick said...

when the full list of the url will you be postting it..

saranggeyo said...

Hi miss.....I'm happy with my BLOG it was interesting....but my grammar is not good and my english also....I hope you can teach me how to improve my english....and I enjoyed with my class with you misss

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