Friday, December 23, 2005
New Semester
Friday, November 18, 2005
It's Friday!!
Monday, November 14, 2005
It's Monday
Your Birthdate: August 9 |
![]() Your strength: Your go-with-the-flow flexibility Your weakness: Your flair for the over dramatic Your power color: Pine green Your power symbol: Circle Your power month: September |
Your Brain's Pattern |
![]() |
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Oh No
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Home Again
Today is also the day that I've been waiting for...
I'm going back to my hometown today,yey!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Towards The End
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Finally it's over..pheww..
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Monday, September 19, 2005
Hello Again
Apart from that, next week is the English Week!! Arrghhh... things are pretty hectic now, lots of things need to be finalised! Hope everything will turn out to be ok.
Argghh, it's almost 1pm, time to go..
Bye for now!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
It has come to an end...
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Attention To...PIP 002 Students
Who attended the talk:
What did you learn from the talk:
**On Thursday 14/04/05 class will be as usual.
Notes For ENG 142 Students
I won't be around this week from Monday (11/04/05) until Wednesday (13/04/05). I have to attend a workshop in KL. So...for all ENG 142 students...please check your email to get your notes. I cannot put the notes in this blog due to some technical reasons. check your email ok!!!
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
To all ENG 142 students:
For today's class I want you to go through the following notes on argumentative essay writing. Make sure you read and understand everything in the notes! This is because for the next class I will teach you more on argumentative essay and after that all of you will have to write an argumentative essay.
- In writing an argumentative essay, you will have to make a statement or give an opinion on a particular issue and then support it with reasons, facts and examples.
- Argumentative writing-the point you make is debatable or open to question, which means that it may not be readily accepted by some of your readers.
- An argumentative essay is like a debate where one side is in favour of and the other side is against the issue being debated.
- However, an argumentative essay is in written form whereas a debate is in spoken form.
It is useful to prepare an outline first before writing an argumentative essay. The outline includes the points that will help you to write a complete argumentative essay.
Arouse the reader’s interest, introduce the subject and highlight its importance
State your stand on the subject
Indicate one or two of the more important arguments against your position
Refute the positions you have just stated
Present additional arguments in support of your position
Restate your position on the issue
Present an emotional appeal for your position, perhaps warning what might happen if your position is not accepted.
“The pressure for a teenager to work is great, and not just because of the economic plight in the world today. Much of it is peer pressure to have a little bit of freedom and independence and to have their own spending money. The concern we have is when the part-time work becomes the primary focus.” These are the words of Roxanne Bradshaw, educator and officer of the National Education Association. Many people argue that working can be a valuable experience for the young. However, working more than about fifteen hours a week is harmful to adolescents because it reduces their involvement with school, encourages a materialistic and expensive lifestyle and increases the chance of having problems with drugs and alcohol.
Schoolwork and the benefits of extracurricular activities tend to go by the wayside when adolescents work long hours. As more and more teens have filled the numerous part-time jobs offered by fast-food restaurants and malls, teachers have faced increasing difficulties. They must both keep the attention of tired pupils and give homework to students who simply do not have time to do it. In addition, educators have noticed less involvement in the extracurricular activities that many consider a healthy influence on young people. School bands and athletic teams are losing players to work and sports events are poorly attended by working students. Those teens who try to do it all for examples homework, extracurricular activities and work may find themselves exhausted and prone to illness. A recent newspaper story, for example, described a girl in Pennsylvania who came down with mononucleosis as a result of aiming for good grades, playing on two school athletic teams and working thirty hours a week.
Another drawback of too much work is that it may promote materialism and an unrealistic lifestyle. Some parents claim that working helps teach adolescents the value of dollar. Undoubtedly that can be true. It is also true that some teens work to help out with the family budget or to save for college. However, surveys have shown that the majority of working teens use their earnings to buy luxuries such as video game systems, CD players and disks, clothing and even cars. These young people, some of whom earn $400 or more a month, do not worry about spending wisely as because they can just about have it all. In many cases, experts point out, they are becoming accustomed to a lifestyle they would not be able to afford several years down the road, when they no longer have parents paying for car insurance, food, lodging and so on. At that point they will be hard-pressed to pay for necessities as well as luxuries.
Finally, teenagers who work a lot are more likely than others to get involved with alcohol and drugs. Teens who put in long hours may seek a quick release from stress, just like the adults who need to drink a couple of martinis after a hard day at work. Stress is probably greater in our society today than it has been at any time in the past. Also, teens who have money are more likely to get involved with drugs.
Teenagers can enjoy the benefits of work while avoiding its drawbacks, simply by limiting their work hours during the school year. As is often the case a moderate approach will be the most healthy and rewarding.
L, John. 2000. College writing skills: fifth edition. Singapore: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Friday, March 25, 2005
How To Put 'Links' In My Blog????
Can somebody help me???
I need someone to tell me how I can put all of your blog urls as a link in my blog. I saw that many of you put a link in your blog. I think if I put the list of all urls as a link in my blog, that would be much easier for all of you to enter your friends' blogs.
Here I have few more URLs of ENG 142 students' blogs.
Ok..that's all for now... heard that some of you are going for a camping this weekend. So, please write about that trip in your blog!
To All ENG 142 Students
Another task that you have to do is you need to email me so that I will know your email address. In the email, please inform me your full name and your blog url.
My email is: misz_a_de_sensei
Answer these questions and publish it in your blog.
1. What do you think of this online journal writing?
2. Do think this online journal writing will help you in improving your English?
3. Do you have any suggestion on how to improve one’s English?
For today's entry you can also write about any other things that you like.
Please make sure that you also include new word and its meaning everytime you make entries.
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
I Had Fun
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
URL of PIP Students
Here I have more blogs for all of you to visit.
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
My Latest Favourite Song
Monday, March 14, 2005
Beautiful Soul
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Pictures During Techno-Hunt Day
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Techno Hunt Day
Sunday, February 20, 2005
College Promotion
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
let's get it started

the newest n most happening spot in KB. I met with two ENG142 section 5 students with their *tut* here...hehehe..syyyy... I am not going to tell who they are....

My mom n my bro shopping for tudung bawal

You have probably seen this one before, the most photographed scene at Pasar Siti Khadijah I've seen some of you managed to make your blog pretty interesting. I've seen one blog with cool animation, nice music, eerie photos etc... that's good.. so.. the rest of you out there... let's get this blogging started!!!
Monday, February 07, 2005
List of weblogs
Do read their blogs and give your comments
*For those who do not have their blogs' url listed here please inform me. You can email or leave your message at my blog.
Here is the command for you to upload photos to your blog.
For you to have your photos here, first you need to store your photos online. For example you can store your photos at or
< border="2" src="" >
*there should be no space between <>
Good luck exploring this!!!
Saturday, February 05, 2005
I Love Friday
Before the lunch break today asked the EU committee members to distribute's the photo of them...

Thursday, February 03, 2005
thursday's blues

email me!
to make it easy for me to read your blogs, I want all of you to add me as your team member. You can do this by inviting me to join your team member. Just click on 'member' at your blog's setting. Then invite me using my email: misz_a_de_sensei
Ok... c ya!!
ps: for my email add...there's no spacing between sensei and

Wednesday, February 02, 2005
up and running

my cute little office